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Hosanna Alm

San Diego Life Skills Graduate

"I'm Getting better"

Original by Hosanna Alm

Current Men's Class Testimony

My energy levels are up. Me and my kids have had more one on one time together. I wrote my wife a letter apologizing for the things  I have done, that I did not realize  I was doing! Our marriage is the best it has ever been. I feel like I am waking up!!!  Starting to feel freedom. My connection with God is Strong!!

Jordan N.

Current Woman's Class Testimony

What a crazy class! But I just have to say, when I didn't think I ever would, THANK YOU!! This breakthrough is huge for me and I honestly didn't believe I would have one.  So I am so grateful for you and this class.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing this class to all of us.



They just played "This is Me" in Zumba class - tho I'm a newbie and didn't get all the moves. I still stomped my heart out. Today Life Skills let's me be free to be me and not have anxiety dancing in front of people. March! March!


Rachel Stilwell


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